Making Space for a Home Office

For those who are used to working in an office building, working from home can be very distracting, especially when there is no clear “working” space versus “living” space. Here are a few suggestions inspired from a recent Houzz article:*

1. Create a Schedule - and Stick to It

Try to answer emails, return calls, and write copy as early as possible in the day before normal household distractions begin. If possible, ensure your family and friends understand that you may be home, but you are still working.

2. Remember Ergonomics

Find or buy a comfortable chair and make time to stretch and take a walk. If possible, consider a standing desk.

3. Find Tech Support

There is usually that go-to person in the office but at home, you may be on your own when it comes to tech issues. Try to plan ahead and find someone you cal call when that tech emergency arises.

4. Claim your spot.

Look for a relatively quiet place away from traffic sounds or other distractions. Natural light will help you feel less isolated. Set up your place with everything you need to work efficiently: pens, papers, storage, etc.

If you do not have the room for your new office or there are more than one of you working from home, it may be time to think about remodeling or adding that new room you always talked about.

We are here to help.

Please email us at, call (860) 214-4072 or check out our work at


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